Friday, January 31, 2020

Lab 2 Completed

1. Introduction:
This lab is to blog the results of SPO600's lab 2 class. The aim of the bitmap portion of the lab was to observe the changes of the display each time. The aim of the coding portion of the lab was to take the bit display area of the emulator first colour the top of the screen with a green line and the bottom with a blue line. The next part of the lab is to write a yellow line on the left side of the screen and a purple line down the right.

2. Bitmap Code Results

Step 6: Sets 16 different colours vertically.

Step 7: made it shift by smaller blocks.
Step 7: less blocks.
Step 7: now the screen is divided by 2 each line.

Step 9: Different colours.
Step 9: Smaller colour bars.
Step 9: Less colours, only 2.
Step 9: Appears to have been in a different memory region.

Step 13: It's all yellow and black.
Step 13: It loaded it in a grid pattern.
Step 13: It loaded it with more black then yellow.
Step 13: It loaded it like when the 3rd time (grid).

3. Writing Code Portion Results
You can look at the completed code here. This code is pretty straightforward, 3 loops colouring the top, bottom and side.

4. My Experiences
This lab showed me how different this language is from higher level programming courses. The biggest difference I noticed was that each command usually referred to an address and I had to use 3 areas of memories which I can treat or think of as a type of variable. Writing the coding portion of the lab was also really difficult, as I had to adjust my way of thinking to assembly styled programming.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Lab 1

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox wants 2 main types of contributions to their codebase. Fixing pet peeve, and fixing a bug. After
you’ve written your contribution, you use Phabricator to submit your code to a reviewer you select. Once
it is reviewed, you would make the changes recommended by the reviewer, and tried on their ‘try server.’
If it passed all of their automated testing, it gets merged into their main branch

React JS

Contribution on React happens on GitHub. All changes from team members and external contributors
can send pull requests, and they have the same review process according to React’s website
( React apparently uses Semantic versioning, which
according to is a versioning process designed to avoid ‘dependency hell.’ All code is
to be submitted on the master branch, where it will be reviewed. Experimental and breaking changes are
gated on the master branch on a feature flag, and patch fixes are released for critical bug fixes, minor
bug fixes, and major versions.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Lab 2 in class

Yesterday in class we attempted to do lab 2 in class. We got as far as creating the top line in the display then we had to end the class. We then organized how to exchange information and went home.

Thursday, January 9, 2020